Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Abre los ojos!!!

open your eyes is a very interesting movie even though it was hard to followed. in this movie you try to analyze how you differ from a dream to a real world. how you know that you are living in reality and not in a dream and I'm saying this because when you dream you see , feel, touch, think etc you have all your senses and if you have any type of supernatural ability in that dream it seem so normal that you don't know, you don't notice that in reality that particular ability is almost impossible to do. actually i don't know if people remember their dreams but in my case the dreams that i have remember in none of them i have had super power or something like that. in the case of Cesar he didn't have any special ability but he was experiencing difficult moment. in the movie Cesar was very confuse and disturbed because he didn't understand what he was living, why He was going through all those emotional stages he was really confused by the changes that happened in his life and didn't know how to confront them so he started solving his problems and finding clubs that could lead him to the answer to all his questions. i really like the end of the movie because nobody knows what happen the movie left the audience with different probabilities of what may happen at the end. maybe he regrets to die and decide to keep dreaming or maybe the whole movie was a dream and he wakes up at the end it gives you the freedom to choose the end you prefer for the movie.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

103 Research Project

for my project i think i want to talk about how media use celebrities to manipulated and made people think the way media want them to think. all this because the majority of people are influence by celebrities and do everything they do. celebrities are always showed as role model to follow. and many people think that if the we do what they do we are going to be similar and may be have the same or be just like them. and for me that's some thing that people don't think about. they don't realize how media manipulate them .

virtual cinema

some thing that Star Trek episode "The Royale" and the Farscape Episode "A Human Reaction", have in common is that in both movies the actors don't have free will they and are enslave by thirds. this two movies show a very closely connection with "the matrix" all of them have similar elements and are based on unreal things. in the three movies the world or the place where the actors lived are false illusion, false images that were created with a different purpose.
in the star trek episode the three guys when to a place called earth to investigated and got trap there with no way out. in the movie the three guys experience a false illusion of an event that happen in the past where a murder was committed and they were there to kind of solve the problem so they could go home.
in the farscape episode the actor john was lost in space trying to find the way back to earth. when he found an space hole and when back to earth a chain of events happened. first he was capture by the government agency to find out if he was real or was an enemy of another planet or part of the Galaxy. second the government capture john's out of space friends to analyze them and make them talk to find out if they were their enemy suddenly the gov't killed one of john friend and take away another one so he scape with the girl to find his friend when he was searching for his friend he notice that he knew every person on the stree and realize that everything was an illusion form past experiences all this unreal world was created by an alien that was looking for a place for him and his people live and he needed to find out how would be human reaction of aliens going to earth.
in the matrix everything is also a false illusion an unreal world that was created by machine as a kind energy source. here neo the protagonist wake up from the unreal world to fight against the matrix and save humans.
all this three movies also show how all of them are enslave, how they to do what other want them to do. they don't have the free will to choose what they want. in the Star Trek episode they don't have an option they have forcely to find out what happen in that place to go back home. in the farscape episode john is manipulated by attacking his friends and force to whether save his friends or help the government and all this is controlled by aliens. and in the matrix neo don't have freedom also because he aether help to fight the matrix or go back to lived an illusion he don't have no other choice. the three movies are about unreal things, false illusion and in all of them they are manipulated and controlled by others.